You may self-register and establish your preferences by clicking on the "UserPreferences" (or "Login") link at the top of every page (exact naming and location depends on the theme). If you have registered and are logged in, your name will be displayed.
The various fields in UserPreferences are described below:
Name: Either your real name or an alias. Best is to use WikiName format.
If ACLs are enabled, it is required to be a unique name.
Alias-Name: If your login name (see above) is cryptic due to technical reasons, you can give your real name here. It will be only used for display purposes.
Passwort: Something you can remember but is very hard for friends and family to guess.
Passwort wiederholen: if you initially set or later change your password, repeat it here to avoid typos.
E-Mail: Your email address, this is required if you wish to subscribe to wiki pages or wish to have a forgotten login data mailed to you.
- If ACLs are enabled, the email address is required to be unique and valid.
Benutzer CSS URL: If you want to override some of the wiki system's css, put your own CSS here (UTF-8 or ASCII).
Größe des Texteingabefelds:
This controls the size of the text area when you edit a page. Adjust this to suit the size of your monitor and your personal preferences.
Bevorzugter Stil: choose a theme to change colours, icons and layout of the wiki
Bevorzugter Editor: the editor you prefer, either "text" or "gui"
Angezeigter Editor: which editor(s) are shown on the user interface, either Freie Auswahl or der Bevorzugte.
Zeitzone: ...
Die lokale Zeit ist: If the correct time is not displayed, use the drop down box and select the correct time.
Die Zeit des Servers ist: Displays the server time.
Datumsformat: The default of year-month-day is least confusing for international use.
Bevorzugte Sprache: The default is taken from your browser setting. It is advisable to set this to a specific language anyway, since then you get notification mails in your native tongue, too.
Allgemeine Optionen: ...
Angezeigte Wikinamen mit Leerzeichen trennen: If checked, makes WikiNames look like Wiki Names.
Dieses Benutzerkonto für immer deaktivieren: If checked, you can't login again with this account. Think first.
Editor per Doppelklick öffnen: Handy if you edit a lot of pages.
Veröffentliche meine E-Mail-Adresse (nicht meine Wiki-Homepage) in der Autoren-Info: in case you have no wiki home page.
Springe zur letztbesuchten Seite anstatt zur Startseite: When you point your browser at the wiki's base URL (i.e. the one not mentioning a specific page), you will see the last page visited. This can be useful if you are frequently reading or editing a single page.
Speichere Login-Informationen: When you set this, the cookie won't expire at midnight.
Unterschiede farbig markiert anzeigen: Makes diffs more readable.
Werkzeugleiste mit Bildsymbolen anzeigen: Provides a row of icon links in the upper right corner.
Kürzlich besuchte Seiten anzeigen (Verlauf): Lists the last five pages visited at the top of the page, so you can jump back several pages easily.
Verweise auf unbekannte Seiten mit Fragezeichen markieren: Display a highlighted ? in front of a non-existant page instead of a color-coded page name.
Verweise zum Anfang und Ende der Seite in Überschriften anzeigen: If checked, every title bar will have an up and down arrow to navigate to top or bottom of page.
Triviale Änderungen abonnieren: If checked, you will be notified even if editor said it was a trivial change.
Expressverweise: Overrides the standard choices in the gray navigation bar at the top of the page. Enter one Wiki page name per line. You may also add free-form links, i.e. entries of the form [url linktext] just like in wiki pages.
Abonnierte Wiki-Seiten (ein regulärer Ausdruck pro Zeile): Enter .* to receive an email when any page in this Wiki changes (not recommended for busy wikis), or enter the names of any individual pages, one per line. If you are familiar with regular expressions, you may enter a regex expression to match the pages names of interest (.* matches all page names). With the Werkzeugleiste mit Bildsymbolen anzeigen option checked, subscription to individual pages is made easy by clicking the envelope icon when viewing a page of interest.
This is an optional feature that only works when email support has enabled for this wiki, see HelpOnConfiguration/EmailSupport for details.
Customization of user preferences
You can predefine, disable or remove several options on the UserPreferences page, see HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences.